The Temple of Gratitude Poh Ern Si Penang (报恩寺) was initiated in 2006 by Brother Toh (Bhante Thi-O) and registered with the Registrar of Society Malaysia in 2008 under the name of Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Amitabha Poh Ern Si Pulau Pinang.
This temple was divinely bestowed by the Great Amitabha Buddha, with the following three golden objectives:
- To assist heavenly realm entities
- To reduce mankind sufferings
- To help stranded souls to return to the Hade world
Poh Ern Si propagates both schools of Mahayana Buddhism & Theravada Buddhism as both schools are intertwined in cultivation. Our temple is also practising the Buddha-Tao (佛道) way and philosophy.
We hold bi-weekly Buddhist consultations, sermons, chanting sessions and monthly gatherings and training classes. We welcome those who are interested to study, ponder and contemplate on this wonderful journey of discovering the truthful yet practical Dhamma towards a successful personal cultivation. Learn more about our Services here.
This blog aims to provide the public a means to educate and improve themselves when it comes to understanding Buddhism on a deeper level, in hopes of reducing ignorance and the temptation to follow the way of life blindly.
That said, we hope you find light in all our sermons and sharing. We always welcome questions and feedback if any.
May you be well and happy.
Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu & Namo Amitabha.
Yours in the Dhamma,
Team Poh Ern Si.
Uphold Good Principle in Life
Carry out your Responsibility well.
Maintain your Integrity at all times.