We are Poh Ern Si Penang.

A non-profit organisation in Penang, Malaysia that delivers truthful yet down-to-earth Dhamma. A place where fruitful paths to successful cultivation awaits. Discover and enlighten your mind to unorthodox but practical Buddhism like never before.

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About Us

Our Mission

We firmly believe in practical Buddhism, and that self cultivation is key to achieving Nibbanaship. Our temple propagates both schools of Mahayana Buddhism & Theravada Buddhism as both schools are intertwined in cultivation.

The Temple of Gratitude, also known as Poh Ern Si Temple Penang (槟城报恩寺) , was divinely bestowed by the Great Amitabha Buddha, with the following three golden objectives:
– To assist heavenly realm entities
– To reduce mankind sufferings
– To help stranded souls to return to the Hade world

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Become a Volunteer at Poh Ern Si

With the aim of spreading the true Dhamma, maintaining the temple, and helping as many people as possible, we always lack enthusiastic volunteers. Please contact us for more info.

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