What is the Destination of Life?

What is the Destination of Life - Poh Ern Si Buddhist Temple Penang Blog
Reading Time: 5 minutes

At some point in our life, we are bound to question, “what is the destination of life“, “life destination meaning”, “what is your ultimate destination of life”, and so on. And because of the nature of such a question that doesn’t have tangible proof beyond what we can see and touch, many deem that there is no destination in life but only to live life to the fullest and we will somehow disappear into thin air, into nothingness, and that’s the end of our story.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. The even sadder reality is that, due to the widely spread misconception that there is no life after death, many people including Buddhists themselves do not care much about the importance of spiritual cultivation to enliven oneself towards the path of ending the cycle of death and rebirth.

This article aims to highlight the actual truth with regards to our life destination, and what you can do to make your life into one that is meaningful and worth living.

We Are Born With A Purpose on Earth

What is the destination of my life - A man looking at a road ahead - Poh Ern Si Penang Buddhist Temple Malaysia

Everyone in this world is born with a purpose. The objective of being born into this world is not to enrich ourselves with large properties and immeasurable wealth and status, but to equip ourselves with good knowledge and wisdom.

No one has ever taken anything material back to the other side of the world when one passes away from this Earth except knowledge and wisdom. It is the illusionary brought up that makes us think that materialistic possession of everything on this Earth is the most satisfying need. In fact, this is the very mindset that is the greatest setback in our life to achieve our correct destination in life.

Truly, this comes from our earthly attachments through wrong exposures and experiences imbibing our five senses from our surroundings, activities, festivals and celebrations, hence creating our craving to yearn for more of this pleasurable lifestyle. It is this craving that creates endless attachment and in turn, arises our becoming. Our becoming then instills our desire to enter into our mother’s womb again and again. Thus, rebirth happens and this is what causes the cycle of rebirth and death, also known as the Samsara cycle.

Also read: How to Escape Samsara

How to Realize Our Destination in Life?

What is the destination of my life - A young man thinking how to realize our life destination - Poh Ern Si Penang Buddhist Temple Malaysia

To understand the objective of our destination of life, we need to analyze the basic necessities of living.

The moment we are born into this world, our five senses are automatically bound to our body such as the sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste and sensation or feeling. No doubt, these five senses are necessary to assist the functioning of our body daily. Otherwise, we as humans will become robotic and without feelings.

At the same time, these five senses will either help us to improve our understanding of wise knowledge and instill wisdom, or turn us towards the bad path of polluting our mind with bad influences and disillusioned ideas.

It is through the proper cultivation of our five senses that will make us realize our destination in life or cause ourselves to be eternally lost in the horizon of our distorted views.

No Objective Equals No Destination of Life

What is the destination of my life - A pretty young lady looking lost in life - Poh Ern Si Penang Buddhist Temple Malaysia

When one has no objective of living, then one would also have no destination in life. Your life objectives serve as a compass that steers you toward your life destination.

It is not difficult to understand why a lot of people today do not have any objective in life. This is largely due to the soft brought up of these modern children by their loving parents who somehow or rather have lost touch in giving good parenting to their kids.

Many parents nowadays have the notion that splurging money on their children, providing only the best of things, and constantly tending to their every whims and fancies are the correct ways to show love to their kids. In the process, they conveniently forget the need to educate their children on manners, morality, and other moral values such as humility, contentment and loving kindness as part of the necessary informal education at home.

That is why these children, lacking the proper upbringing of good informal education at home, become indisciplined in character, easily despair when faced with obstacles in life, lack the drive and initiative to do things, and lack strong willpower and determination in life. It is this wrong upbringing of children that makes a world of difference in possessing the right attitude of living and treading the correct path to our destination.

Also read: What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

Good Parenting and Spiritual Knowledge Are Keys to Discovering Your Life Destination

What is the destination of my life - Good informal education and good parenting are important - Poh Ern Si Penang Buddhist Temple Malaysia

That said, it is extremely important to set our original objectives in mind when we are young through informal education at home by our responsible parents. Once we know the importance of disciplining our mind and understanding our ultimate goals in life, we can automatically fortify our mind to thrive in our daily lives towards our ultimate destination.

Most of the times, we are at a loss over our ultimate goals in life largely due to a lack of discipline and soft treatment at home, where being pampered is the order of the day. Once our mind is slack from lack of challenges and unsteady in decisions, we end up losing the human instinct of undergoing our own training and cultivation, be it worldly or spiritual ones. At the end of the day, we lose track of our own ultimate goal or destination in life.

We should always realize that there are foundations set up everywhere in preparing mankind for their ultimate salvation of their own beliefs.

This comes in the form of pastors, spiritual teachers and spiritual masters who will go around preaching sermons and Dharma talks of practicing basic ethics and precepts, as well reducing our five sensual desires in our living. There are Dharma books and spiritual sermons everywhere to enrich people with great knowledge and information about spiritual growth and the ultimate destination of our lives.

Therefore, take the chance to grasp all these important materials to imbibe into your life a more meaningful way of living and successfully develop your life to be one that is more practical.

If you ever find yourself in a dilemma not knowing what is your destination of life or how you should tread your journey in life, do not hesitate to contact us at Poh Ern Si Penang! We are here to serve the public, and we are more than happy to assist you in discovering and realizing your ultimate goal in life.

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