Our mind is a wonderful part of humanity, and despite years of study, humans have yet to fully understand the many concepts surrounding the mind. While many of those concepts and observations lean towards complex understandings, today, we will cover a lighter subject with regards to the duality of the mind.
Many others who broach this dual mind subject often talk about heavier topics such as dual consciousness or split personalities, but this is not what we are trying to touch in this article here. Instead, we hope to enlighten the public on the mind’s flexibility and the importance of being aware of what we feed our mind each day.
Discovering the Meaning Behind The Duality of The Mind
Our mind is like an elastic membrane, and the possibilities of unlocking the human mind’s potential and dualism are endless, either towards positivity or negativity. The mind can stretch towards inner peace and serenity through proper training and cultivation by our constant pondering and contemplation.
When our mind achieves inner peace and serenity, this is where many exciting things related to spirituality begin to happen – intuition, telepathy and psychic abilities come into play. However, in order for anyone to come to this stage, it takes years and years of practice to achieve this status.
Apart from this criteria of practicing for years, a hidden norm prior to this development is that, one must procure the power of virtuous actions in our life. Otherwise, our mind is blank without any solid substance to develop any foundation to substantiate the inner peace and serenity.
We need to understand that we cannot develop any inner peace and serenity solely through chanting prayers, taking vegetarian meals or merely listening to the Dharma sermons. Instead, we need to solidly ignite our mind to produce special inner power through the presence of our virtues within ourselves. And virtues can only be produced by our positive, good and beneficial actions towards others.
In contrast, our mind could also create havoc in our life if our thoughts are impure, depressed, worrisome and anxious to an extent that we lose concentration on what we are doing and thereby not being conscious or having dual awareness of our actions. This signals our mind to conclude that this entity has lost its direction of movement and thereby lost touch of its own self.
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This indeed spells trouble, for the person could not even control his or her own five senses due to the over-obsession towards certain problems that haunted the person for years and thus paralyzes his or her own mind. However, if that person is fortunate to have someone able to help control this adverse situation by giving correct talismans to eat or special talisman-infused liquor to drink, then the person’s mind will gradually turn back to its normal and original form.
Sadly, not everyone is fortunate to meet good Samaritans expert at handling such delicate matters or visit our Temple of Gratitude Poh Ern Si for such consultations to diagnose the correct solution.
The Common Mistake of Taking Our Dual Mind Ownership for Granted

A CPU is linked to the computer permanently, however, this is not the case for our mind. In actual fact, the mind operates independently by itself along with the five senses’ desires.
It is amazing to realize that sometimes we cannot control our mind even though our mind is within our one brain. Our mind is never intactly together with us unless we have learnt the true functioning of the mind. When we really explore our dual track mind thoroughly, we will be awed by the supremacy of possessing it within our body.
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Over-Obsession Will Cause Loss of Mind Control
Many of us take for granted that the mind is regulated by us and always under our control, despite the truth that the mind acts independently. This will be arbitrarily seen in scenarios where a person is too obsessed with a certain thing, for example, being addicted to gambling.
When until one day the mind could not adapt to the vulnerable forces of our self-inflicted mental abuse, the mind will then break away from the brain. This is the reason why sometimes we observe cases where an addicted gambler becomes mindless, speaking wildly and mumbling to himself, because this person has gone insane.
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Meditation Without Correct Supervision May Jeopardize Sanity
Another common happening in our circle is the self-arrogant attitude of learning to practice meditation on one’s own. Even though at one time during the days of the Buddha, whereby the Blessed One urged his Buddhist disciples and laities to cultivate meditation as part of their Buddhist practice, that was during the period of 2,500 years ago. Back then, there were much fewer evil spirits and unscrupulous charms masters around them, therefore, it was still safe and sound to exercise meditation sessions along with guided masters.
Today we have lost touch with spiritual teachers or masters and solely depend on our own selves to practice meditation – this effort can become dangerous due to the lack of supervision by genuine spiritual masters to control the atmosphere of purity as well as ensure the meditator is free from evil influences during the meditative session.
It is important to note that before one commences any meditation, a good spiritual master or meditation teacher will always advice the meditator to uphold moral values and control good thoughts over bad ones. Once we have forgotten all these hidden rules of meditation and simply meditate by ourselves without possessing all these critieria, then we will go ahead to meditate and allow all sorts of wrong thoughts coming into our mind.
These wrong thoughts can include the hidden fantasies on beautiful ladies, the inner craving for power, and even the hunger for great wealth during our meditation. After some time, the mind – overcomed by all these evil thoughts and cravings- becomes displaced away from the brain. This will then create a great impact onto the brain, hence the affected meditator then becomes cranky and unsound over time.
Also read: Spiritual Meditation for Beginners
Consuming Evil-Contaminated Food Can Unknowingly Displace Our Mind Ownership
Another danger of our mind being exposed to evil influence is when we are unaware that someone has evil intentions towards us, and that someone offers us evil-contaminated food to eat. Once we have consumed this evil contaminated food, then we are under spell, in which the mind will then become intoxicated with evil vibrations.
Eventually, if the affected person remains unaided with any special good talismans or special talisman-infused liquid, then the victim’s mind will become blank and lost in direction with time. In this case, gradually the whole body will be controlled by a foreign entity, and then the affected person becomes insane.
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Awareness of The Duality of Mind

This is the duality of our mind – feed it with good thoughts and positive energies and the mind will work wonders; but expose it with evil vibes and bad thoughts, the mind will end up being displaced from our control.
We always believe strongly the dual brain simply does not belong to us. We should also bear in mind that the brain can simply absorb wrong thoughts and influence one to commit evil vices, but not the mind; it must not be polluted at any cost. Once the mind is polluted with vices and evil actions, then the mind creates all sorts of evil vibrations and eventually, the mind will go beyond control, causing the evil doer to become strange and alienated from their original self.
We should always bear in mind that our mind is not a garbage collector; it doesn’t mean it can simply absorb anything good and evil in content just to gain knowledge and information from our constant exposures and experiences. Hence we should be constantly aware of the duality of the mind, that our mind is extremely sensitive to our thoughts dictated by good exposures and fine experiences, or bad ones.
Once bad thoughts are constantly barraging our mind, our mind naturally keeps storing these bad vibrations of negative thought up to a point the mind will automatically switch off to escape the unbearable mental pressure and agony. The affected person will then have to stay in a mental asylum due to insanity to prevent this affected person from turning into a lunatic creating chaos in the streets. No doubt, this is rather rare and only happens in very serious cases, but the possibility is there if we are not careful and mindful.
Therefore it is always a blessing that we should do good, think good and possess good thoughts in us. This way, only do we truly own our mind and keep it intact eternally.
Know someone who may suffer from evil influences affecting their mental health and daily life? Feel free to come to us for consultation service – Poh Ern Si Penang is here to assist, as spiritual cleansing and neutralization of evil vibrations are our specialty. Contact us today to learn more.