The word “Hell” has become a favorite word among Buddhist laities and even many Buddhist monks and preachers when discussing Buddhist discourses and the bad actions that will increase one’s opportunity to descend to the Nether world.
The thing is, Hell wasn’t originally created by the Almighty along with our Earth world. However, as time passed by, humanity began to erode rather badly that it became a need to create a place to contain and re-educate evil-doers upon their demise from the human world.
What if we tell you the truth behind the existence of the Hell world, and that it is not what it is as popularly depicted and misinformed in the society? Let’s explore this interesting topic together.
The Origins of Hell World

Originally, in ancient times, there was no hell as everything is natural in living. Everyone lived contentedly in a simple hut or wooden house and traveled by walking.
The people in the past worked with a meager income in the cottage industries, yet everyone’s mind was calm and satisfied with their end meets. All these were due to no disturbances in their external condition of living such as sightings of beautiful cars, luxurious mansions and fine dining restaurants, bars and night clubs as well as first-class hotels. Coffee houses and luxurious cruise liners were also absent in those days.
When ancient people were never distracted nor corrupted by all these new attractive and leisurely things, they possessed a decent and simple mind, a calm heart and self-satisfying needs in their lives. Henceforth, upon their departure from this world, most of them would easily ascend to either any heavenly realms or into Boddhisatvaship or Buddhahood sphere. This way, there was no need to set up any Hade or Hell world to accommodate any restless and lost souls along the way.
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Unfortunately, as the Green stage era began to approach the Red stage of existence, things were no longer natural in living. Humans began to be attracted to all kinds of beautiful things, luxurious foods and precious stones. Humans started to feel discontented in living and yearned for a better, more comfortable life.
There was also a sudden industrial revolution that time as people yearned to strive for better income, while those who could not adapt to all these fast developments lagged behind and became unemployed. The sudden shift and volatility of the environment greatly affected people’s minds to gradually become insecure, disturbed and even depressed. With centuries and centuries of time passing by with the continuous pace of technological developments, thousands and thousands of people departed and became lost souls as many were not able to possess a calm and peaceful mind to enter into any heavenly realms.
Eventually after thousands of years, there were too many stranded souls on Earth that could not move into higher realms that the Jade Emperor God decided to establish a Hade realm and Hell world to accommodate all these lost stranded souls. The Nether world’s existence was just in time to guide and house a lot of lost souls who died during the First and Second World Wars.
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Is Hade World the Same as Hell World? The Answer is, No – We’ll Explain Why
A lot of people mistake Hell as the same as Hade as humans believe that whoever is bad will automatically go to Hell. Humans also believe that Hell is a place where everyone there is tortured with perpetual fire, spears, and boiling hot water for eternity.
The answer is: No, Hell world is NOT Hade world, but Hell is PART of the Hade World.
Let us use our Earth condition as an analogy. Most of us humans when born into this world are either at the maternity hospital, at home or in some cases, on the plane or somewhere around where normal citizens live. Rarely do we have babies born in jail or prison right from birth.
Similarly, most souls are directed to the normal soul living areas which is the Hade realm upon their demise from the human world. The exception is for evil and convicted souls who are then guided into a special isolated area which is the Hell world, of a great distance away from the normal soul living areas.
In much the same way, people who are convicted of crime, especially if they are pregnant women, their babies may end up being born in the jail upon full term. These babies are unfortunate to be delivered in the prison cells due to the bad karmic effect of their mothers.
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What is Hell Like?

As we have mentioned earlier, Hell is actually a special place isolated away from the Hade world and therefore, it is erroneous to say Hell world is the same as Hade world. Most of the time, common people who made common mistakes will go to the Hade world. Those who were murderers, rapists, charm masters, professional killers, human traffickers, drug pushers and those involved with syndicates or genocides who are heavily sinful will be admitted into the Hell sections for retraining.
Far from the truth, the Hell world is not an eternal hellfire as popularly depicted by society. In fact, it is a place that governs the bad or evil souls with mental torture instead of the physical types of punishments, as mental torture is actually far more effective than physical torture in order to spark realization within these souls.
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There in the Hell world, when it is time to eat your meal, you are isolated from the normal souls and not allowed to eat anything except once a week or twice a month. This treatment together with your extreme pang of hunger makes you feel ostracized by other normal souls.
After some time, you will begin to feel that you have committed a lot of grave mistakes. Only the day when you have realized your mistakes and repented will you then be accepted into the normal souls’ living area and lead a normal soul life.
So those evil souls who have been specially isolated in prison called Hell would likely spend almost a hundred years before being released into the normal souls’ sections. The mental torturing ways in Hade’s prison or Hell are extremely effective to fasten the time of achieving repentance and then, to self-realization. Once an evil soul has come to a realization, the soul would then have normal features in the soul body which the soul officers would recognize and then transfer these convicted souls to the normal souls’ areas to start a new living.
What is the Hade World Like?

As for the Hade world, the main objective in the Hade world is to create a somber, reflective atmosphere that could instill realization through repentance, unlike Hell world which is through tough mental torture.
In the Hade world, everything is bare in existence as compared to our Earth world. Living on Earth is facilitated with electricity and automobile transportation but in the Hade world, there are no such luxuries of using electricity and brick houses or machinery.
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Hence, everything is so lively and enjoyable in this Earth world but there is a contrasting environment of dullness and an atmosphere full of remorse in the Hade world. Furthermore, there is no freedom of movement in the Hade realm as all souls are expected to work hard manually and they also have no great reason to stroll about as there are no facilities of entertainment outlets.
Anyone who is enrolled in the Hade world will find the surroundings very uncomfortable and feel excruciating pain in the mind to see everything entirely barren and crude. Henceforth, many newly admitted souls upon entering into the Hade world will try to escape from this Hade world back to the human world, longing for the warmth and vibrance of their past life environment on Earth.
It is a vicious cycle. The more you can adapt and live simple while on this Earth world, the more you can tolerate living through the hardship in the Hade world. On the other hand, those humans living on Earth with full comfort, lazy working attitudes and always idle away the time will find difficulties adopting their new living environment in the Hade world, thus, they will always obsess over the thought of escaping from this “hell” of a place.
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How to Avoid Going to Hell or Hade World
So how to avoid from entering the Hade realm or end up in Hell? Anyone in this world, regardless whether we died in wars, revolutions, or normal living should ensure that we develop sincerity, compassion, kindness and practice moral values and virtuous actions to prevent ourselves from enrolling into the Hade or Hell world.
We should avoid going into the Hade world through our constant efforts of practicing Principles in life, where loyalty, trust and sincerity are always imbibed in our course of living. At the same time, we should always uphold our sense of Responsibility whenever we are given a task and lastly, we must always shower our virtuous actions to ensure we always have integrity in our characters. This way we will hold an automatic passport towards heavenly realms admission.
However, we will never be awakened from delusions and reality as long we do not see the other side of the Hade world or even the Hell world’s way of living.
It would be good if everyone could be allowed a free tour of the Underworld and see for ourselves the horrifying exposures of Hell’s mental torture systems to create a satisfying repentance and later realization. It would also be wonderful if there is another tour that could be provided to expose everyone on Earth to the living conditions of the Hade world, where everything is so bare, crude and without electricity and automobile, that life is so insipid, dull and so rigid in living.
Then and only then, will one realize that we are indeed very fortunate to be granted precious freedom living in this modern Earth world.